The idea of your loved ones needing care as they get older might be one that you’re familiar with, but it could be one that you’re aware of in a more general sense. The specifics of what that care might need to look like are going to be different based on the needs of whoever you’re talking about.
Understanding these needs can help you choose the kind of care they go into with greater clarity, which means a preferable experience for all involved. You want to know that this is a place well-suited to them, and, most of all, a place where they can be comfortable.
Mobility Issues
Perhaps your loved one feels sound of mind still but simply lacks the physical ability to do so. As time goes on, the body can be susceptible to mobility issues and that not only makes it more difficult for an individual to get around their own home, but it can also open up safety risks when it comes to stairs and potential falls. Therefore, this shift might be about taking them to a home where these issues don’t present themselves, and there is help for when needed. If that’s the case, the best way to frame this might be to focus on the social element that is gained through it, as that’s something they might look forward to if their wits are as sharp as ever.
However, it could be that this is exactly where the problem is. If your loved one is struggling with dementia, taking care of themselves becomes a much more dubious prospect, and you might even find that your efforts to look after them feel like an uphill struggle due to the volatility of the condition. Therefore, identifying homes like Saint Peter’s Care Home in Bury St Edmunds that are experienced with residents who have dementia can help you find the right kind of support.
It’s important to remember that it’s not about offloading the responsibility onto someone else. It’s about finding the kind of help most likely to make a positive difference in their life.
They might be struggling with a different health issue – one that’s more about their physical health and requires something closer to medical care than what you might usually expect from residential care facilities. As with facilities that are known for helping those with dementia, you might find that there are different homes depending on what kind of condition you’re talking about, but for those with terminal conditions like certain cancers, you might think that hospices are necessary – which is a separate difficult conversation that you might have to have with your loved one.
Understanding the right route to take here means that you have to understand their healthcare needs properly, which also means bringing them into the conversation. As much as this whole process might feel like your responsibility, it’s important to keep in mind throughout who is going to be making the move.