Jorge Salinas Perez Tejada was the father of Carmen Salinas Lozano, a Mexican actress, comedian, entrepreneur and politician. For most of her career as a politician, Jorge’s daughter was a member of the Institutional Revolutionary Party.
In his personal life, Jorge Salinas Perez was married to Carmen Lozano Viramontes. They had nine children Jesus Alfredo, Sergio, Esther, Jorge Davila, Maria Elena, Josefina, Gustavo, Ruben and Carmen Salinas.
Jorge Salinas was great, as he was always there for his children. When Carmen married Pedro Plascencia on January 5, 1956, she was a minor, and her father was there to support his daughter and ensure that she was okay. Jorge’s children did not all get compulsory education because of financial constraints; for instance, his daughter Carmen had just completed primary education.
Career and Net Worth
Even though the details of Jorge Salinas Perez Tejada’s major work were never made public, he must have worked hard to feed and meet the financial demands of his nine children, which explains why he was okay with marrying off a minor.
The much Jorge Salinas Perez Tejada earned from whatever he did to earn a living, he must have spent on his family’s financial needs. His daughter Carmen Salinas who was in the film industry for over fifty years made good fortune. She also added earnings from her political career to her total net worth, which was five million US dollars at the time of her death.
His Daughter
Jorge Perez Tejada’s daughter started her acting career in the early 1960s, making her debut in the television show Casa de vecinidad. Her film debut came in 1967 when she appeared in La Vida inutil de Pito Perez. In her acting career, Carmen Salinas featured in over a hundred films, over thirty television shows, and 70 theatre works.
Regarding her political career, Jorge Salinas’ daughter sat at the Chamber of Deputies for the LXIII Legislature of the Mexican Congress. She also served on several commissions, including the Radio and Television, Gender Equality and Health commissions. Carmen had the lowest educational qualifications among all the deputies who served in the Legislature of Mexico, having just completed primary education.
In her personal life, after marrying Pedro, Carmen had her first child Pedro Plascencia Salinas who died in 1994 due to cancer. Her other child is Maria Eugenia Plascencia.
Carmen Salinas Lozano’s Death
Before her death, Jorge Salinas Perez Tejada’s daughter had several health issues. She had hypertension which resulted in cerebral hemorrhage. The hemorrhage she suffered made her lapse into a coma in November 2021.
She was hospitalized and under care for the whole time; she was unconscious until her death on December 9, 2021. At the time of her death, she was 82 years. Carmen’s body was buried at Panteon Espanol, Miguel Hidalgo, District Federal, Mexico.
Jorge Salinas Prez Tejada is dead, but the circumstances leading to his death have never been made public. In a tweet, Carmen Salinas posted on Twitter which had Jorge Salinas Perez Tejada, two witnesses and Carmen, and she mentioned that all three were already dead.