What Are Black Molds And Why They Should be Killed

Mold growth is a common problem most homeowners face after water damage happens to their apartments. If left untreated, it poses major risks to homeowners, which include destroying the structural integrity of their building as well as causing several health complications.

Companies like CSL water damage restoration help homeowners mitigate the effects of water damage, including mold removal, as well as restore their homes to their former state. If you’re experiencing water damage, here are some things you should know about black mold and why it should be treated immediately.

What Are Black Molds

Black mold is a general name for different species of mold that have a black or dark appearance. But oftentimes, when the term is used, it is used to refer to a specific type of mold known as Stachybotrys chartarum, which is also referred to as “toxic mold.” Black mold can be found anywhere, but they are more common in damp or water-damaged areas

Are Black Mold Dangerous

When black mold is found in residential or commercial buildings, it can become a cause for concern. That is because molds release spores and mycotoxins into the air, which can result in mold poisoning and other health problems when inhaled.

There are several reasons why you may experience mold growth in your home. High humidity levels, water leaks from the roof, water pipes, faucets, and poor ventilation are the most common causes of mold growth in residential apartments. Generally, black mold thrives and reproduces quickly on wet surfaces such as walls, clothes, paper, etc.

Health Risks Associated With Mold Growth

  • Respiratory problems

Mycotoxins and spore particles released by molds may irritate the lungs, throat, and nose, especially in people who are sensitive to them or people with an already existing respiratory issue such as asthma.

  • Allergies

Mold spores can cause allergies in people who are allergic to them. Symptoms of mold allergies include an itchy nose, burning eyes, sneezing, skin irritation, nausea, blocked or runny nose, etc. Also, people who have a mold allergy alongside asthma are more likely to have an asthma attack in a mold-infested environment. In addition, infants, people with weak immune systems, and older adults are more prone to suffer some health risks when exposed to black mold.

Ways to Kill Black Mold Effectively

With the right safety and precautionary measures, there are some ways to tackle your mold issues on your own.

  • Use a solution of bleach and water.

Bleach has strong properties that can kill black mold on contact. A mixture of appropriate proportions of bleach and water can be used to scrub the mold away from surfaces.

  • Use vinegar

Vinegar is also effective in killing molds, although it is not as effective as bleach. However, it is safe to use without damaging the affected surface.

  • Use a Mixture of Baking Soda and Water

Baking soda is a known natural abrasive that is widely used in cleaning surfaces. It can also be used to scrub moldy surfaces and is safe to use around children and pets. After wiping with baking soda, ensure you rinse the surface properly.

  • Use Hydrogen Peroxide Solution

 Hydrogen peroxide is a strong disinfectant that is also used in cleaning surfaces. It is also safe to use around kids but has bleaching properties.

  • Get Rid of Mold-infested materials From Your Home

One of the best ways to deal with your mold problems is to completely remove mold-infested materials such as carpets, drywalls, furniture, clothes, and books. It may not be easy to clean these materials effectively, so it’s best to dispose of them.

  • Use a Commercial Mold Removal Product

Several products have been designed for killing mold specifically. Check a local store around you for a good product and follow the directions on the product label. Remember to follow safety measures to protect yourself while doing so.

Some mold problems can be severe and would require professional services. If that is the case, it’s best to contact a company that specializes in mold removal to handle the job. Such companies usually have the experience, knowledge, as well as specialized equipment that are necessary for safe job delivery. Doing otherwise may be putting you and your family at risk.

If you have a mold allergy or respiratory issues, it is not advisable to handle mold on your own. Likewise, if your mold problem is severe, contacting a mold remediation company would ensure the safe and effective removal of the mold.